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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Top 25 points to improve your web design


1)Have a polished,professional logo and link it to your homepage.(include a tagline)(a tagline is a statement or a motto that represents a company or websites)

2) Implement site search:

3)Use sitemaps

4) Use navigation:

5)Focus design on user experience.

6)Don't bury the main point.

7)Make sure your photo are the right size(Use outstanding images,Working with images).

8)Colour schemes.(use flat colors)

9) Font(Nice on the eyes):

10)Consider Vertical Scrolling

11)Produce Amazing Content.

12)Create easy Web Pages(easy to read to affect you visitors)

13)Pages- limited pages are used.

14)Homepage links-include a home button on every page.

15)Contact links-Put contact link on every page.

16)Don't use icon link.

17)Don't break the work flow 

18) Don't overuse javascript:

19) Avoid captcha:

20)Easy to find everything within a couple of clicks.

21)No blinking or flashing text.

22)Make effective use of every title bar.

23)No more frames(search engine don't like framed pages)

24)Use whitespace (line should never be more than 50-60 characters long)

25) Avoid Under construction pages:

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